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Article Structure and Organization

Cover Letter

Including a cover letter with your submission gives you a chance to convince the editors that your article is suitable for publication in the journal and of importance to its readership. A cover letter should be no more than two pages long and should include all the standard elements which are to be expected in an official letter (for example, the date and the address of the recipient, etc.). The author(s) should confirm that the submission is original (include the title of the manuscript and the journal name) and not under consideration for publication in another journal. Furthermore, you should briefly mention the focus of the manuscript (no more than 4-5 sentences). Note that while we ask the author(s) to provide competing interest information separately, you are welcome to also include this information in the cover letter. 


  • A title page should contain: the Title of the paper, & Subtitle [Optional] & Article type [Research Article/Review Article/Perspective/Correspondence/Short Communication, etc.] .

  • The names [First name, [Middle name], Surname/Last name] of all authors contributing to the research work.

  • Clearly mark Corresponding author.

  • Provide email addresses of all authors.

  • Affiliations of the author with clear identifier [affiliations with full details, Like Department, University/Institution/Company name,city, state, Country].

  • Abstract: Summarize the main ideas of your work in a clear and succinct abstract (150–250 words).

  • Keywords: To make it easier for people to find your publication, use 3-5 pertinent keywords.

  • Graphical Abstract: A graphical abstract is a graphical equivalent of the written abstract of an article. Graphical abstracts should be a single image, designed to help the reader to quickly gain an overview of the article and to ascertain the purpose and results of a given research. Graphical abstracts are intended to facilitate online browsing, to help readers quickly identify if an article is relevant to their research interests, and to draw extra attention to an article thereby increasing its readership. Adding a graphical abstract to an article is optional, but if included it has to be submitted as a single figure meeting the general artwork requirements. Note that graphical abstracts should not exceed 280 (width) x 140 (height) pixels in size and that no caption is to be included with the figure.

Body Structure

  • Introduction: Clearly state the research question(s) or objectives. Make sure you explain the nature of the problem and provide the context of why the work is important.

  • Materials and Methods: This section is important to allow reproducibility of your work by an independent researcher. Describe your research methods and materials. 

  • Results & Discussion: Present your findings or outcomes clearly. Interpret your results and discuss their significance compared with recent relevant research. Include all the citations relevant to your research and list the same citations in the bibliography.

  • Figures and Tables: Include relevant Figures, Tables, and self-contained captions to support the findings of your research. Ensure all the figures and tables are clearly labeled, with a corresponding citation in the text.

    If a (set of) table(s) or figure(s) is reused, make sure to obtain permission from the original author and include the source's document with the article.

  • Conclusion: Summarize your study and its implications. Recommendations or plans for future studies can be included in this section as well.

  • Citations and References: Cite all sources accurately and consistently and list the same as per the journal citation style.


  • Supplementary Data: Provide the data or a link [if the data is large > 10 MB] that supports your research work.

  • Acknowledgement: Acknowledge the support of funding organization and individuals who contributed to your research by providing intellectual, financial, or other forms of support to your research work.

  • Conflict of Interest Statement: Please openly disclose any potential conflicts of interest. If none exists, it is suggested to use the standard statement provided by the journal/proceeding.

  • Contribution: If there are multiple authors in your article, please provide a specific contribution statement. List each author's contribution in accordance with the journal/proceeding's style.

  • Funding Statement: Acknowledge the funding institution along with grant number if it is available.

Citation and References

  • Use a consistent citation style (Standard number system with article and journal/proceeding titles) as specified by our publication guidelines. 

Here we list several citation formats for different references:

      [1] Initial. Surname1, Initial. Surname2; Initial. Surname3. Title of the article. Abbreviated Journal Name., Year, Vol, pp:., [doi].

      [2] Initial. Surname1, Initial. Surname2; Initial. Surname3. Title of the chapter. In Book Title; Editor 1, A., Editor 2, B., Eds.; Publisher: Publisher Location, Country, Year; Volume, pp:., [doi].

     [3] Initial. Surname1, Initial. Surname2; Initial. Surname3. Title of Presentation. In Proceedings of the Name of the Conference, Location of Conference, Country, Date of Conference (Day Month Year), [doi].

    [4] Initial. Surname1. Title of Thesis. Level of Thesis, Degree-Granting University, Location of University, Date of Completion.

   [5] Title of Site. URL.

Journal Abbreviations

Journal names should be abbreviated according to:


Abbreviations which are non-standard in the field should be defined at their first mention in the text and used consistently thereafter. Definitions can be placed in a footnote on the first page of the article.