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Research Articie 01 September 2023
The Expression of Hate Motive on Social Media: Perspective of the Malaysian
Noramira Fatehah Azman 1 ,  Norena Abdul Karim Zamri * 2 show author's information
DOI: 10.2991/978-2-38476-098-5_3
Keywords: Hate speech; Cyberworld; Social media; Twitter; Offensive language; Malicious comment

“Muslims are terrorist”, is one of example of hate speech that occur in cyberworld. Hate speech, also known as malicious expression, is the use of insulting, hostile, or contemptuous words intended towards certain religious practises or groups who share a collective identity, such as sex identification, ethnicity, race, or faith. Because of the gravity of the problem, the spread of online hatred has prompted a number of global projects aimed at identifying it. This article examines the motives behind the posting of expressions of hatred on social media, specifically on Twitter. Researcher used two models such; “The Dramaturgical Social Interaction Model” and “Cultivation Theory” to explain the societal phenomena of hatred expression. The methods used for this study are interviews and focus group discussions which are qualitative methods and Thematic Analysis used to generate outcome.